Salmon with Baked Eggs
In celebration of that wonderful combination of smoked fish and eggs.
A simple but very impressive dish that's perfect for a special brunch this weekend!
6 slices of BigFish Oak Smoked Salmon
or, try our Oak Smoked Trout
6 fresh bread rolls
wholemeal, seeded, sourdough, brioche or soft white, as long as it's a decent sized bun!
- 6 medium free range eggs
- 25g melted butter
3 tbsp finely chopped chives
to garnish
Heat the oven to 180°/160°C fan/gas 4.
Carefully slice the top off each roll and gently pull out the bread in the centre to create a hole that will hold an egg. Be careful not to break through the bottom of the roll! You can save the bread you take out, blitz into crumbs and store in the freezer for another recipe.
Arrange your rolls on a baking sheet, reserving the tops
Now brush inside each bread roll with a little melted butter, then carefully line the inside with a slice of smoked fish.
Carefully break one egg into the hole lined with salmon and season with freshly ground black pepper. Bake the rolls for 10-15 minutes or until the eggs are cooked the way you like them.
Serve on warmed plates, scattering over a few chopped chives and with the tops of the rolls toasted, brushed with the remaining butter and cut into soldiers to dip into the eggs!
With thanks to BBC Good Food Magazine for the inspiration.
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